Meet MRJ

Meet The Team

Jack Pinnington

Senior Consultant (Infrastructure)

Senior Recruitment Consultant: Infrastructure and Networking | Helping Startups & Scale-Ups Achieve Operational Excellence through a results-oriented approach πŸš€

With a proven track record of success in the infrastructure and networking market, I excel in propelling high-growth companies forward by pairing them with exceptional talent! 🀝

If you're seeking support in your job search or need help filling a role, don't hesitate to contact me. I'll be in touch to discuss your goals, provide guidance and assist in any way possible!

Superpower πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ β€“  Speed

Celebrity Crush 😍 β€“  Angelina Jolie

Guilty Pleasure  πŸ˜ͺ - Chocolate

Fav Music 🎡 β€“  House

Best MRJ moment πŸ‘ – Not there yet!

Favourite Quote ✍️- "Every day the clock resets"